Monday, July 23, 2018

A Mother's Love

There is a common saying, "A Mother's Love" that floats around, but what does it really mean?

This weekend we went to a fun show that the whole family enjoyed. Our lil baby was so mesmerized by the lights and sounds that he was fixated on the people performing the entire time. It was absolutely adorable. Now rewind a few weeks ago to fourth of July. I chose not to go to the big long firework shows up close since we don't have those earmuffs for babies yet, so we chose to see them from our apartment in Traverse Mountain. When our lil one was born, he was given antibiotics via IV that can cause hearing loss. After a week, they did a test and his hearing was good. However, I was told to watch for signs and be cautious and we will need him screened again in the future.

After leaving this show, I was so worried that it was too loud and caused damage to his ears. The natural feelings of I was too selfish and I need to pay more attention to this sweet baby that God has trusted with me overcame me. That night I poured out my heart and soul in prayer. I know this circumstance may seem oh so insignificant, but God took the time to answer my prayers. I reflected on a time when I was 7 years old I had a tumor in my ear. Without going into detail and making light of sacred things, it was all taken care of without any hearing loss whatsoever which was absolutely astonishing to the doctors. I reflected on that day and pleaded that a miracle can happen with my son's ears. God has blessed me with mine and I know he could work a miracle. And then I realized, I would give up my hearing if that meant my son could live his life without suffering from MY mistakes IN. A. HEARTBEAT.

In that moment, that's when I realized what "A Mother's Love" actually means. It means I would do ANYTHING to have you be healthy and thriving. I would make any sacrifice necessary to provide for you and a life of comfort and opportunity.

So here's to all mothers out there. Those nights of worry and concern and fatigue and feelings of inadequacy and love seem to much to bear, God is ever mindful of you and you are doing a terrific job!