Thursday, December 6, 2018

It’s Okay to Not be Okay

It has been a while!! I have made an intentional decision in my life to step away from social media for multiple reasons. Unfollowing people who I have found don’t uplift me and spending SO much less time on social media in general has been the best thing that I could have done for ME. I was thinking of deleting my accounts altogether when I got the impression that I needed to share some thoughts with the very few who actually read this kinda stuff. So if you’re reading this and it somehow impacts you in one way or another, I guess that’s why I am back here.

As some of you know I now nanny part time for this ADORABLE family’s. It honestly is such a blessing and privilege to work with them. They have a perfectly chunky new born, an active and ever creative 4 year old, and a determined and independent 7 year old. With my just barely 5 month old, it makes for some crazy days to say the least. All was going well until my lil guy was going through a growth spurt and waking up every two hours. Now looking back, the lack of sleep is what lead me to have a rocky few weeks. Since I work 8-10 hour days and wanted to be sure that both babies were fed, changed, happy or sleeping, and the 4 year old was being entertained by a game or building or creating something and feeding kids, I wouldn’t make time to eat throughout the day. So now that I am low on sleep and low on nutrition, I start to feel myself slipping.

As a Behavioral Science graduate and past employee of crisis centers, I have seen first hand the importance of mental health and what it looks like. I check in everyday to make sure I am okay. The stress of crying baby, and the chaos of the long days, I finally admitted I wasn’t okay. My husband said that he missed me. I missed our relationship. I became hostile and angry.  Even though this was a two week span, it felt like forever.

My angel mother gave me the best advice out there and I guess this is why I am writing this for you. Whether you are needing it personally, or you know someone going through excessive stress. A mother, grad student, someone going through financial crisis, toxic work environment, etc. this all applies.


Sleep. Now if you were like me, with a baby going through a growth spurt and thinking HA! Good one, this is the most important. It took me being vulnerable enough to ASK FOR HELP from my wonderful neighbors to simply come over for a little bit, watch the other kids and maintain the crazy, while I take a nap during the day. {you know who you are and THANK YOU}

Nutrition. Eat. On the hard days- the goal is to eat ANYTHING. But it is important to fuel your body and mind to ensure optimal functioning. The difference of ensuring I eat every meal and have snacks as needed was such a GAME CHANGER.

Omega 3. Since I was going through a time that simply cooking seemed overwhelming I couldn’t commit to making salmon and other great fish throughout the week. So I am now taking Fish Oil supplements and it is great.

Walks. The simple act of getting outside and moving is AMAZING. I live in Utah and the leaves are changing getting ready for fall and it is BEAUTIFUL!

Baby Breaks. I genuinely love being a mother and I HAVE THE CUTEST LIL KID. I felt guilty for wanting a break because only those who don’t like being a mom need a break, right? WEONG! In order to be the best mother, I need to have a break. Going to the gym by myself at least 4 times a week, going out and about- and such, has been relieving.

Adult Time. Those with cute babies know that those babies become the center of attention, every conversation, and complete strangers will approach you and drool over the baby. I love that so many people love on this lil kid! I also noticed a since of my identity slipping ever so slightly and that scared me. Making sure I am having meaningful conversations and doing things I love, with friends and family, without the perfect baby in the middle is important. There should be a balance between the two. :)

Liquids. I know I know. When I had mastitis, or the flu, and exclusively breastfeeding, asking the doctor what I can take and they say ‘rest and lots of water.’ No, I don’t think you understand MY INSIDES WANT TO BE ON THE OUTSIDE. I am slowly dying. Water is not going to cut it. In all honesty though, for general health and getting the brain back to a healthy state, drinking enough water really does make a significant difference.

Laughter. Having a lil newborn for me was pretty stressful. The oxygen at home and having no idea what I was doing. Or recently taking a job of taking care of more children and just trying my very best and feeling like I fell short everyday, it wasn’t until out on a date with my husband, it was just us two, and i was laughing so hard. I said out loud- wow! I needed this. I can’t remmeber the last time I laughed this hard. LAUGHTER IS NECESSARY!! This is why I watch videos made by Tiffany Jenkins and have a husband I can laugh with everyday.

Now with all this said, I fully understand that people experience disorders that need medical and professional attention in order to progress. The brain is an organ and if there is a chemical imbalance, please seek the professional help necessary for you to live your best life with your loved ones! These are just simple steps to help but in no way cure or diagnose or anything if that sort.

They are all one. When in a deep darkness and feeling too busy or too stressed or too exhausted to feel the spirit, it is easy to feel like you are too far from god and not ‘worthy’ enough to feel the spirit.