Friday, June 22, 2018

EMBRACE why you're different and bless the world because of it!

Social media. Yes, it is a powerful tool to spread goodness to the whole world. www (WORLD WIDE WEB) is remarkable. Inspiring and uplifting messages are shared from one end of the world to another in a matter of seconds. Along with the good, comes the negative. I have noticed that my subconscious mind started comparing my life with others .

  "God is fully aware that you and I are not perfect. God is also fully aware that the people you think are perfect are not. And yet we spend so much time and energy comparing ourselves to others---usually comparing our weaknesses to their strengths. This drives us to create expectations for ourselves that are impossible to meet. As a result, we never celebrate our good efforts because they seem to be less than what someone else does." (Dieter F. Uchtdorf, 2011).

 The more that I scroll, the more that I feel this heavy anxiety fill me. AND HERE IS THE THING! I would consciously tell myself that it is absolutely ridiculous to compare myself because these are picture perfect moments. HOWEVER. Our subconscious brain is heavily influenced by the images we see and the heavy weight was coming from a reaction to that. Even if we are fully educated on the effects of social media and have a perfect knowledge of the brain and it's systems, we STILL get influenced by it! 

So today I say BE COMPLETELY IN LOVE WITH YOUR LIFE RIGHT NOW. Let us CELEBRATE our good efforts! Let us REJOICE in today.  Really. Try this.... think about what you absolutely LOVE about your life. What comes to mind? Family? Friends? Food? Where you live? Your work? Hobbies? Pass times? Sights? Skills? Stores? Your attitude? Your laugh/smile/sense of humor? Your plans for the future? 

Don't wait until you are on a glamorous vacation, have a good hair day, have a perfectly clean home...etc. Look at your life TODAY and see what you love about it. One of my greatest examples for optimism and pure positivity is Gordon B. Hinkley. Anyone who remembers him or had the chance to personally know him, understands his incredible level of happiness and JOY. 

"Anyone who imagines that bliss is normal is going to waste a lot of time running around shouting that he's been robbed. Most putts don't drop. Most beef is tough. Most children grow up to be just people. Most successful marriages require a high degree of mutual toleration. Most jobs are more often dull than otherwise. Life is like an old time rail journey---delays, sidetracks, smoke, dust, cinders, and jolts, interspersed only occasionally by beautiful vistas and thrilling bursts of speed. The trick is to thank the Lord for letting you have the ride."

 -Gordon B. Hinkley, 1984). 

At first, that seems SHOCKING coming from such an optimist! Just lower your expectations and SETTLE? NO WAY!!! 

But then I realize, that in what may seem like the mundane... THANK THE LORD FOR LETTING YOU HAVE THE RIDE. What a blessing this life truly is! So let us not wait until graduation, that job promotion, finally having a successful relationship, when kids come, when a home is bought, when those items on your bucket list are finally marked off. Let us celebrate and be grateful TODAY. 

There are many that say they are JUST going to school and working. They are JUST stay at home moms. They are JUST starting their own business. THESE ARE INCREDIBLE! Yes, there are stresses in everyday, but look for what you love most about it and lean into your passion about what you do! 
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We each have something beautiful about us that makes us unique. Talents, skills, passions, dreams, visions. Here on the world wide web, we see a lot of travel, fitness, self-care, photography, scrap booking, writing, acting, and holistic living experts making blogs and posting videos. It made me think ...... what is something that makes me unique and what is it that I have to offer? 

Yes, I thoroughly enjoy traveling and deeply connecting with others around the globe. My time spent with my family in South American and African countries are cherished memories and I am looking forward to bringing my sweet son to places so near and dear to my heart. In our home, we are teaching him different languages, a sincere love for learning, and an open mind to other's views and lifestyles. {Granted, he is two months old.... 😊 ..... As we grows, I hope he absorbs} 

Yes, I love fitness and self-care. Fitness is the way my brain and body just FEEL good and healthy. I have learned through experience that there is very little you can do without health. I am a strong advocate for moving your body everyday and progressing towards strength. Most importantly, it has NOTHING to do with the numbers on the scale, or HOW your body looks. It has EVERYTHING to do with how you feel! I HATE it when I hear comments like, "You look so good, you look so skinny!" "Have you lost weight? You look amazing!" It is so important to have a positive body image EVERY step of the way on the journey. A positive body image will greatly influence all those around you and build a steady confidence within you. 

Self-care is SO important. Self-care looks different on different days. Sometimes it is taking a long, hot shower {I am thoroughly convinced long hot showers are SACRED. At another time, I may have to share my experience taking a hot shower in Swaziland. Let's just say it was a spiritual experience 😂} Sometimes it is sitting down, paying those bills, and making a spending plan (I HATE the word budget. For me it is like DIET. Sounds very restricting and I already feel guilty about spending money or eating a treat.) for next month to release the stress that has come from finances. Sometimes it is making time out of your week to study for that test you have been procrastinating. Sometimes it is completely UNPLUGGING for a day. Sometimes it is calling a family member you haven't connected with for a while. Sometimes it is going on a walk outside. Sometimes it is eating chocolate and watching a movie. Sometimes it is reading a book. Everyday is different and presents us with different needs. 

However, I don't consider myself an expert in any of this topics, nor would I like to be since there are already so many of them out there. 

So I come back to the basics. What is my nitch? What makes me want to create this space? What is it that I want to focus on as I share my innermost thoughts with the world wide web? (Such a vulnerable thought, am I right?) 

Well, I named this blog 🌟 SHINE ON ðŸŒŸ  for a reason. I want this to be a space of positivity, authenticity, and to invite optimism in our lives. I want this to show what I love most, which would be God and His son, Jesus Christ, and my family. This is the source of light in my life, and if I can share but a sliver of that light with others, I would feel this space was worthwhile. As I continue to learn, grow, and progress in my life, I strive to share all that is GOOD. 

So I suppose this is a friendly reminder for the users of the world wide web. It is nice to take a break from the fake, but since we end up here for one reason or another, REMEMBER what positive traits and unique abilities YOU have to offer. We are all different by divine design! God made us different shapes, sizes, color, talents, passions, views, and with different desires for a reason. EMBRACE the reason that makes you individually unique and bless the world because of it! 

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