Sunday, March 25, 2018

Power of the Present

Have you ever experienced those small but significant feelings as if you just took a deep breath. That you allowed yourself a short minute to look around you and think to yourself, "God is good!"

Last night I was at the Maverik, standing by my car alone as it was filling up. The last three times I have done so at night, I have been approached by a homeless man, a man smoking, and another man asking me for money. Naturally, I was just aware of my surroundings. Last night, a man approached me while I was standing there waiting for my car to fill up. He asked if it was okay that he gets the garbage, he was an employee! He then said, "Do you mind me asking how far along you are?" Have you ever had that humbling feeling that you judged someone incorrectly? Man oh man. I thought, oh how nice! I told him that he could be here in just a few weeks! He genuinely expressed excitement for me and encouraged me to live in the moment. His youngest is now seven years old and he said how much he misses when she was a baby. He wished me well and we parted ways. I then thought, what am I doing to intentionally live TODAY and enjoy every moment that it offers?

I am so excited for General Conference! There are so many reasons that my heart rejoices for conference. I feel the power that millions of people from all over the world, in MANY different languages, are gathering together at the same time. I feel the power and the truth that comes from the guidance and counsel from our leaders. I feel empowered to PREPARE for conference, so I become more spiritually in tune so I can be in a place to RECEIVE His word. There are many joyous reunions as it feels like the world comes to Salt Lake City (naturally, mission reunions are fun), and with those that traveled from far to come to Salt Lake City. As I have been preparing for this great weekend, my husband and I attended the temple together yesterday. I wish words could describe the serene PEACE and JOY I felt while serving in His holy house. I never felt closer to Him, my son who we are so close to meeting, and my sweet husband. It was then that I realized that Christ is the greatest source of peace. I have made meditation and mindfulness a part of my daily routine for the past few months and it has been AMAZING. I have felt more calm, peaceful, and in tune with my body's instincts in preparation for birth. I then made the connection that those practices are good and beneficial for physical and mental health, however it is also CRUCIAL to recognize the Prince of PEACE if Jesus Christ. The benefits of reading scriptures, listening to general conference, serving others, praying, keeping the commandments, etc. are indescribable. A certain and profound joy comes into my life when I am intentionally living the gospel of Jesus Christ.

Image result for lds christ

I could listen to mindfulness and meditation tracks all day if I could (they really have changed my life.) However, I need to make sure that I am also filling my mind with scriptures, doctrine, and taking time to by holy, not only peaceful.

These simple things help me be PRESENT. Today. Right now. This moment. God be thanked for the incredible gift of life, family, friends, and the things in this life that bring us joy and comfort.

What are you grateful for? Have you taken a minute out of your day to ponder about that, and send thanks to your Creator for what you are grateful for today? I promise it will increase the quality of your day as well as increase contentment in your current situation.

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